Michelle A. McElroy (MSinEd, LCS) is a trained counselor and marriage coach who loves relationships, family, creative arts and hospitality. She is the founder and lead coach at AIM: Activating Intentional Marriages. She has worked with professional athletes, corporate execs, entertainers and more. She is currently the host and executive producer of “Wife for Life” a web series and podcast for wives by wives. When she’s not on set you can find her facilitating workshops including her sought after newlywed bootcamp or hosting her upscale events like her “Girls Night Out” or her annual women’s spring tea. She also provides private couples and leadership coaching, conference keynote speaking, on-demand & in person workshops as well as train the trainer seminars for large church staffs/volunteers, businesses, and organizational teams. Michelle has been married to former NFLer, Ray McElroy for over 25 years with four children.

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